NASA shares guide on how to view and shoot the April 8 solar eclipse

Amateur astronomers across North America are gearing up for a total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th, 2024, and NASA has some tips to ensure safe viewing.

If you’re planning just to view the eclipse, or photograph it, the tips apply to all.

Just like your eyes, pointing your camera directly at the sun can fry the internals. For gazing at the sun during the eclipse, NASA recommends using proper solar viewing glasses (also known as eclipse glasses), while a special solar filter can be attached to your camera’s lens to protect it from the glare.

At totality, however, which is when the moon completely blocks the sun, you can take off the camera filter and solar glasses the view the sun directly.

If you’re going to use a DSLR to shoot the eclipse, NASA recommends using a telephoto lens so you can get up close. If you don’t have a telephoto lens, NASA recommends taking landscape shots and capturing the changing environment during the eclipse.

Further, using a tripod can help you frame and stabilize your shots better, while “using a delayed shutter release timer will allow you to snap shots without jiggling the camera.”

For phone cameras, NASA recommends knowing the camera’s features and capabilities beforehand. “Most cameras, and even some camera phones, have adjustable exposures, which can help you darken or lighten your image during the tricky eclipse lighting.”

Lastly, don’t forget to have fun.

In Canada, the totality will be visible from certain cities in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador. You can check if you fall in the path of totality here.

Image credit: NASA

Distributed also on: NASA

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